Brownfields by the Book
To spur the redevelopment of brownfield properties, many state legislatures have passed laws that allow developers to revitalize contaminated industrial sites without the high risks or...

Containing the Cold War's Hot Waste
A new method for the construction, verification, and maintenance of underground vaults isolates and contains radioactive burial sites without excavation or drilling in contaminated areas....

Dealing with DNAPLs
Trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater is one of the most prevalent contamination problems at hazardous waste sites; a problem that is substantially greater if the TCE is present as dense...

Superfund Success, Superfast
After 15 years of indecision, unprecedented cooperation among regulatory agencies, community action groups, and Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) resulted in the completion of remedial...

Putting On Your Safety Cap
Geomembranes are an important part of landfill cap design. However not all geomembrane liners are created equal, and it's best to know what a liner is made of before specifying...

Dredging Up Toxic Sediments
Lots of people like to catch their fish and eat them too, but that's a dangerous proposition when they're fishing in water polluted with highly toxic pesticides....

Containing Contaminants (Available Only in Geoenvironmental Special Issue)
The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy are currently in favor of containing contaminants and either remediating on site or simply capping such materials within...

Environmental Quality, Innovative Technologies, and Sustainable Economic Development
A NAFTA Perspective
This workshop proceedings assesses the current level of environmental technologies available in key media and industrial areas and their role in enhancing environmental quality in international...

Sustainable Development, Botswana Style
A sustainable development project in Botswana, Africa, collected information on industrial wastes. Sustainable development is defined as development that meets the needs of the present...

The Evolution of Geosynthetics
Although the geosynthetics industry only began in the 1960s, it roots can be traced to the earliest humans. Soil stabilization, soil reinforcement, liquid drainage and leak proof barrier...

Balancing Act (Available only in Geoenvironmental Special Issue)
On March 9, 1996, at the Rumpke sanitary landfill near Cincinnati, a precariously overbuilt waste slope collapsed and more than 20 acres of waste slammed into an adjacent excavation site....

An Endangered Resource
This proceedings, Groundwater: An Endangered Resource, contains papers presented at the 27th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic...

Waste Not: The Scottsdale Transfer Station (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
Scottsdale, Ariz., is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. In 1980, it had 88,000 residents; in 1997, it had 170,000. By 2020, demographers expect the population to surpass 275,000....

All Fired Up
Plasma arc technology is being used to treat hazardous waste and contaminated soil and could be used to recycle landfills. The process uses plasma torches that operate at temperatures...

Design/Build Meets Hazardous Waste
For all types of design/build projects, a close cooperative relationship is required among the various stakeholders involved in the project. For hazardous waste cleanup design/build projects,...

The Right Tooele for the Job
Parker describes how the nation's largest chemical munitions destruction facility was designed and how it will operate. The U.S. Signed on to the Chemical Weapons Convention...

Weighing a New Hospital Against Health Risks?
In this Mead award-winning essay, the author sets up a hypothetical situation to portray an ethical dilemma. A fictitious firm is approached to design a badly needed hospital in a Third...

Salvaged Sand
Waste foundry sand has been rediscovered as a road construction material now that environmental concerns about its use have been laid to rest. Certain types of waste foundry sand, a by-product...

Final Covers for Solid Waste Landfills and Abandoned Dumps
This book presents the essential elements for the design of final covers for solid waste landfills and abandoned dumps. Chapter 1 gives an overview and presents selected aspects of regulations...

A Superfund site near Seattle was surrounded by a 2,200-ft-long soil-bentonite wall to keep contaminants from entering nearby water sources. An earlier remediation effort had failed to...





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